Even lawyers let their guard down every once in a while. And when they do, they want something special. We came out victorious from an initial pitch-selection and went on to create multiple editions of this event that in its essence is just a really nice party. But as with any good lawsuit, it’s the little things that make it special.

The Law of...
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De Brauw Blackstone
Stage design
The infamous Burning Man edition at Thuishaven Amsterdam was staged around a real-life 5-metre wooden statue. No fire allowed, no problem. We rigged this puppy with a whole lot of stage flames, hazers and a fair amount of other SFX to create an opening show that this theme deserved.
Show flow & direction
And we didn’t stop there. Acts for these events included acrobats, stilt walkers, fire breathers, contortionists besides the obvious stage artists for the proper sounds. Building a wide array of acts gives these festival-style projects a real lavish feel, creating a world that is full of life, color and action.
Multimedia design
As we are accustomed, we created unique and compelling visuals for these events. Starting at the firm’s daily business, practicing law, we anchored the stories and concepts around it to make these well-known themes feel even more personal to the client.
Did we get you?
If you are inspired by our projects, send us an email or give us a call at +31850657142. We are happy to put your imagination into reality too.
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