125Y Nedschroef

Another one of our standout projects was the 125th anniversary of Nedschroef, a market leader in the production of screws and bolts for the automotive and aviation industry. This three-day happening was a celebration of Nedschroef’s rich history and bright future, and it brought together international clients, dignitaries, employees and their families in a spectacular event hosted at the Speelhuis in Helmond, a church-turned-theatre with beautiful aesthetics.


Show flow & direction

The custom-made theatershow was one of the many highlights of the event, hosting 1500 guests over three days. It featured acrobatics, LED drum shows, a hologram curtain to boost special effects, and theatrical storytelling of the past, present, and future of Nedschroef. The show took the audience on a journey through the company’s history, showcasing its achievements and innovations in a visually stunning and engaging manner. The dynamic performances and cutting-edge technology used in the show created an immersive and unforgettable experience for all attendees.

Content development

Program development was a key aspect of the event, as we aimed to provide informative and engaging experiences to underline the 125 years of history. Company tours were organized to give guests a behind-the-scenes look at Nedschroef’s operations, and a popup company museum was set up to showcase the company’s achievements and milestones. Presentations on the company’s future plans and vision were also included, providing valuable insights for the audience. Additionally, a family day was organized for employees, creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for their families to join in the celebration.

Hospitality Design

The 125 Years Nedschroef event was a true testament to our experiential approach, creating a cool and memorable celebration that honoured Nedschroef’s legacy while looking ahead to a bright future. The venue was the project’s secret super power, as we transformed the Speelhuis into a multi-space event venue. It combined a space for the high-end opening dinner, providing a gourmet dining experience for guests. The venue was also turned into a full-on party space, complete with live bands and DJs, creating a vibrant and energetic atmosphere for guests to celebrate and dance the night away.

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If you are inspired by our projects, send us an email or give us a call at +31850657142. We are happy to put your imagination into reality too.

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